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Yakkshit Reddy

Software + Applications, Web Devlopment, Augmented Reality, and Illustrations

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Designing and Analysis of WebXR and ARCore Applications

2048 3d Game both on web and android

Multilingual chat Application

Community website

CEDZLABS is a community website with many features, Games and services

Hi !

I'm Venkata Sai Yakkshit Reddy Asodi! Recently, I graduated from Blekinge Institute of Technology and I'm currently working as a Fullstack Developer at Cedzlabs. Along my journey, I've achieved various certifications, including MTA-Python and Java, and completed the GCP Cloud Carrier Path, among others.

I'm incredibly excited to share my professional journey with you. Over the years, I've had the privilege of working on a wide range of exciting projects that have not only sharpened my skills but also broadened my perspective. One particular standout experience was my participation in the prestigious Devfest organized by the Google Developers Club. It was a transformative event that truly pushed my boundaries and took my abilities to new heights.

During the Devfest, I had the amazing opportunity to fully immerse myself in the captivating world of Google Cloud services and APIs. Building a Google Assistant from scratch, harnessing the cutting-edge technology offered by Google, was an exhilarating challenge. This process not only rewarded me with an incredible sense of accomplishment but also provided me with invaluable education, honing my creativity and problem-solving skills.

If you're curious to witness the tangible outcomes of my endeavors and explore the diverse range of skills I've developed along the way, I cordially invite you to delve deeper into my portfolio. You'll find an impressive showcase of my projects.

So, why wait any longer? Let's embark on this interactive journey together and dive headfirst into the boundless world of technology and innovation. If you have any questions or if you're interested in collaborating on future projects, please don't hesitate to reach out. Together, let's make a significant difference in the world of technology and forge a brighter future! 🚀

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Me standin near BTH college